The Invitation To Intimacy with God

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Tracy Strawberry


Living in a fast-forward culture, it’s easy to feel overlooked, forgotten or uninvited. If you are like most people, you long to be recognized, hunger to be included and want to feel part of something greater than yourself.

We know God has more for us, but it seems like the cares of daily life steal away our confidence. If we are not careful the courage to live out our dreams will slip away without a fight.

In this 312 page devotional Tracy Strawberry along with fifty other women share life altering stories, private moments of faith and encouraging words of truth. Each day’s reading will empower you to live your best life. To push away lies that make you feel unloved, less than enough or unworthy.

Within the first week of reading this book, you will begin moving down the path to reclaiming your confidence as you experience the depths of the Fathers love and mercy.


Meet Author Tracy Strawberry

Author Tracy Strawberry

Author Tracy Strawberry

Tracy Strawberry is a powerful speaker, author, CEO and wife of baseball legend Darryl Strawberry. Tracy is the National Television Host of, Finding Your Way, Author of “The Imperfect Marriage, Help for Those Who Think It’s Over”, Co-Founder of Strawberry Ministries, Founder of Finding Your Way, Program Director for the Darryl and Tracy Strawberry Recovery Center,  and Author of Clean Sober & Saved, a Christ-Centered Recovery Curriculum.

In her weekly programs and traveling ministry, she teaches biblical truth with practical application to deliver a message of faith, redeeming hope, restoration and freedom in Jesus Christ. Tracy believes that those who are lost will be found and those who are found will be free!

Tracy has made several media appearances on Oprah, The Today Show, HBO, Daystar, TBN, TCT, The 700 Club, Good Day LA, The Blaze with Glenn Beck, Focus on the Family, Fox and Friends, NBC, ABC Family, The Huckabee Show, and The Tonight Show to name a few.

The Painful Past

After years of battling alcoholism, addiction, dysfunctional relationships, and defeated living, Tracy discovered her identity in Jesus Christ and a new way of life.

The Victorious Life

Tracy’s life would finally change once she surrendered her life to Jesus Christ, trusting in Him alone for her salvation and restoration.

Life Today

Living her life to Glorify Jesus, Tracy preaches the gospel all over the world to restore people back to God and to experience the transforming power of His Word in every area of their lives.

Ministry Highlights

  • Founder of Finding Your Way
  • National Television Host of, Finding Your Way.
  • Author: The Imperfect Marriage, Help for Those Who Think It's Over (Simon & Schuster).
  • Author: Clean Sober & Saved Christ-Centered Recovery Curriculum.
  • Co-Author: Straw, Finding My Way (Biography of Darryl Strawberry-Harper Collins)
  • Co-Founder, President/CEO of Strawberry Ministries
  • Vice-President of the SHE Tour Experience for women: 
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Sample 2